Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pato all the way

You’ll see them walking down the streets, along the corridor and possibly in night clubs. These tom-dick-n-harry’s walking around barefoot with not a care in the world. Yep soon enough they might shock you with wearing a grass-skirt or something. Pato, as they call in Finglish is the in-thing now among teengers. One of ten are walking around the campus just dangling and flapping their bare foot against the grass, on the footpath and in the mud.
Put it this way, these fellas think that walking around barefoot could attract the opposite sex attention. Which could be true to a certain extent-if you were Dan Carter.
Each day as I pass the school library I notice a bloke or a lass walking around feet-naked. And in the most oddest sense-it actually is kinda cool and trendable. Imagine if everyone went pato. Think about it- the soles of our feet would be thick and you won’t be able to feel the pain if something poked your sensitive toes or something. Hey maybe we can all start firewalking and it wouldn’t be so much of a big thing to tourists who come every year just to witness the firewalking ceremony. Maybe we could even hold a competition or something!!! What I’m trying to say is pato is now in the fashion world-well not until it reaches Britney Spears or Lionel Ritchie or whoever’s famous for that matter. Who knows????Hmmm!!!!!!


  1. i have gone out pato and hey nothing embarrassing....but hey don't u wonder about the germs and all that are on the streets?????ewwww

  2. aww true true....but still if you wear flip flops and closed shoes-germs are bound to enter no matter how you seal you feet, dont you think? Hey our ancestors were walking Pato and no life(threatening disease-well probably serious injury infections) befell upon them and still they found herbal medicine to cure it.

  3. what sad girls!! PATO-ing is me fav fashion style man! think of it this don't need to worry about what shoes to wear and stuff and on the plus side you don't have to waste money buying shoes! and yeah nothing is better and more attractive when a girl sees you pato-ing! PATO-ing brings SEXY BACK MAN! thanks nopa.
