Thursday, June 4, 2009


Yep the streets of Suva drew in a sea of crowd as the events began on the 20th and ended at on the 30th of May. Amazing how the country’s biggest sale event brought in a lot of atttention. Many shoppers were given the opportunity to purchase goods that could have probably earned them twice their pay check. Prices slashing down from twenty dollars to five dollars is what sale’s all about.
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But many of what people would call as the classy-shops also went on sale. Ironic how they define the word-SALE! My mom and I were strolling through town on the last day of the sale when we came across one particular shop that is best known for its line of clothing. On the window waswritten SALE in big and bold letters. So we decided to enter the so-called SALE shop. When we entered the shop in fact not so much of a surprise, we found clothes tha were still in prices ranging from 30 dollars to a shocking 90 dollars. I mean who buys clothes that can easily tear at the sleeve for 60 dollars! Maybe only the rich who draw their wealth at the expense and poverty of others.
Now when you wanna know the real definition of Sale go to New Zealand. I was watching the One News on Mai TV during christmas and I believe the name of the shopping mall was called K-Mart. Well, the price clothes and other materials were unbelievable. A 160 dollar party dress came down to shocking 30 dollars. Now that’s more like it! So why is it that businesses claim that they are sale when what they are really doing is ripping people off from their pockets. Jeepers talk about Misleading Advertising. Someone should report them to Consumer Council or PIB!

Pato all the way

You’ll see them walking down the streets, along the corridor and possibly in night clubs. These tom-dick-n-harry’s walking around barefoot with not a care in the world. Yep soon enough they might shock you with wearing a grass-skirt or something. Pato, as they call in Finglish is the in-thing now among teengers. One of ten are walking around the campus just dangling and flapping their bare foot against the grass, on the footpath and in the mud.
Put it this way, these fellas think that walking around barefoot could attract the opposite sex attention. Which could be true to a certain extent-if you were Dan Carter.
Each day as I pass the school library I notice a bloke or a lass walking around feet-naked. And in the most oddest sense-it actually is kinda cool and trendable. Imagine if everyone went pato. Think about it- the soles of our feet would be thick and you won’t be able to feel the pain if something poked your sensitive toes or something. Hey maybe we can all start firewalking and it wouldn’t be so much of a big thing to tourists who come every year just to witness the firewalking ceremony. Maybe we could even hold a competition or something!!! What I’m trying to say is pato is now in the fashion world-well not until it reaches Britney Spears or Lionel Ritchie or whoever’s famous for that matter. Who knows????Hmmm!!!!!!

Child Fashion Abuse

Hey you been to the shops lately? For those who haven’t well….you should try to get out of your comfort zone more often. I was walking with a friend the other day-window shopping. We were admiring the clothes that were displayed out in the hangers and the windows. What really brought drew my attention and frustration was the minitiature Kylie Minogue-Anna Niclole Smith type of fashion. These are short skirts, haltered neck, spaghetti tops and so much more. Is this really making money? Are parents really buying these clothes for their innocent little girls?
Whatever happened to the lovely pink and purple simple cute overrall? Why are clothing factories making these clothes in the first place anyway? Possibly left over material or something. Whatever it is it does not give them the excuse for clothe shops to sell these clothes. Don’t they know that this is the kind of thing that lead possible child molesters to put a cunning grin on their faces?
Ever watched Human Trafficking? There’s this scene where a ten year old girl is dressed up as a sixteen or seveteen year old. She is lured by an ally and then taken just meters away from the poor mum and dad. In fact the father had already told the wife to prevent the daughter from dressing up the way she is but as always the mum is one who likes to dolly up her daughter. So in the end the girl goes missing and the mum is left to bear the regret.
If you’re a mother-CAUTION- be careful, be smart and logical. Dress your child in accordance to her age. She doesn’t have to look like one of those Buunies from the Playboy Mansion.
Even in the mess of the global financial crisis, human trafficking has reached a turning point of unstoppable. Many women, young girls and boys are taken out of their will and traded as sex slaves. One of the reasons this is happening is because of the dress code of some. Therefore it is always advisable to watch what one wears-Hey prevention is better than cure!

Second-hand outfits

Having a hard time choosing the great outfit but don’t have the money? Easy- go to the Second-Hand

Yea and no kidding. Its really amazing how these second hand shops can get clothes which are so off the hook and would have cost five pay checks if one had gone to Prouds or Tappoos.
Doce & Gabana, Giorgio Armani, Supre, Tiffany’s you name it! You can get these labelled clothes divide 10 times the actual price. And for what! Someone has just worn it a couple of times doesn’t mean that it’s lost its value- well maybe its scent but hey what the world and those fashion goers think about are what sort of labels you have on. So it wouldn’t hurt if you just bought something which someone threw in for charity. Put it this way-what’s one loss is another’s gain.
Hey think about your first impression when you make during an interview. Your looks and how you’re wearing yourself could sell and lend you a 5 figure salary.
Put it in another scenario-why go anywhere else when you can get all clothing under one store? They may be old and battered but whats the harm in using a sewing machine. For guys get into your Home Economics feminine side and ladies-c’mon I don’t even have to waste blog space on teaching you how to sew. Get your efficiency side and bring it to life. After all at the end of the day its not about how much you accumalated but how well you were able to make use of what’s in front you. You don’t have to be a Paris Hilton to look good. You can look great if you just used a bit of initiative.